Well, as always time gets away from me. I know it is July, but I am still posting about June, so I'll try to make this one snappy! The week after Father's Day camping, we didn't do too much; we swam and Jack cooked hot dogs, you know, normal stuff, but it was relatively low key...
...except for Jack's mad scooter skills! Check out our boy on wheels!
The following weekend we went to the zoo with The McQuties (pronounce "McCuties" and think cute McQuilken cousins). This was extra special b/c even though we live so close we don't get to see the girls as often as we'd like b/c of crazy schedules. We had a really great time, so here is a collage of some of our fun!
And of course my favorite traditional picture on the Komodo Dragon statue...
The next day The McQ Zoo visited Centennial Olympic Park with friends, but they took pics with their camera, so I don't have them yet to post, but I am sure they were very cute. Jack rode his scooter all over the bricks! Then on Monday we went again, this time with Aunt Christie, Aunt Jen and all their boys. Grandma even joined us for a little while on her lunch break! Here is a pic of the kids during the fountain's water show, the only time they were all sitting still!
Later that afternoon, Jack had his last class of his very first Gymnastics session, so Mommy decided to take some pictures and video of course! Here is Jack doing the "bear crawl." Funny after our bear sighting!
Here is Jack climbing the ladder wall! He was always the highest climber in the class!
(Having some trouble with Blogger's video upload, so switching to YouTube.)
Here are some pics of Jack hanging on the bars and holding bean bags with his feet!
Lastly, here is Jack on the trampoline at the end of class doing the special Jumping game where each child is individually spotlighted. Jack is especially good at taking his turn and then sitting right back down on the red edge of the trampoline.
Jack really LOVES gymnastics, so we have enrolled him for the rest of summer and the fall!
On Mommy's Birthday Eve, we wet to El Azteca where we had the Mariachi Band serenade Jack! He LOVES it when they sing to him, so it was well worth the tip we gave them. He always looks so serious though; such a good little audience member! Then my actual birthday was the last day of June, the 30th. It was a wonderful day; you can read more about it and see a quick pic of the beautiful cake my work got for me on my other blog, The Zookeeper - Uncaged. That night we went to GRandi and PaPa's for my special bday dinner of Teriyaki pork cutlets and green spaghetti with "balls," which is what Jack calls brussel sprouts. The collage below has pics of Jack at El Azteca and one of me about to blow out my candles on the Coca-Cola cake GRandi made for me!

Dinner was excellent of course, but so was the fun we had beforehand playing basketball with Jack. This last video is a little long, but if you just watch just the 1st few seconds you will already see Jack make a basket! He had been doing this for about 20 minutes before we even started filming, so he was worn out and hungry for dinner, but he LOVES the game! That's Mommy's Little Baller!
And so ends the month of June!
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