Saturday, August 17, 2013

When/If I Can: The Birthdays Post - Part 1

It is hopeless.  I can't deliver on my promises of catching up, so I'm just going to have to accept that I am too busy to post as often as I'd like.  Working, momming, wifing, it all takes time and energy, and the truth is, I pour my heart and soul into LIVING, so enough is enough.  I'm done trying to keep up with my self-expectations and feeling bad when I can't seem to whip out a picture perfect post a day, a week or even a month after a spectacular event has transpired in The McQ Zoo.  I'm going to change my tune to this: 
I'll get to it when/if I can.
And tonight I have a little time and a bit of "umph" left in my brain after a great day with my kiddos, so...

Enter August, a month of birthday celebrations for both Jack and Lander!  Jack turned 4, Lander is now 1, and we did it up over the course of 2 weekends with a joint "little kid" party, and then individual family (and "big kid" for Jack) parties on their actual special days.  We could not have imagined it more perfectly.  With the excessive rain, I honestly think we got the best weekend of the whole summer for our outdoor shindigs; it was dry, sunny, and there was even a slight breeze that stopped in here and there.  Thank you, God, for those beautiful days!

Anyway, I posted the best pics already on Facebook from the 1st weekend, which included Jack and Lander's joint party (Power Rangers and Beach Baby themes) and Jack's individual party, which was the coolest Lego Ninjago theme complete with a visit from his karate Dojo Master who officially invited him into the "Black Belt Course!"  It was a HUGE deal!!!  We were so happy to have all the cousins and big kids from the neighborhood there to witness Jack's surprise, and of course aunts, uncles, grandparents and a few of our best friends.  Here is the video!

I also want to highlight some of GRandi's work on the parties.  Without her we would not have been able to pull it all off.  Thank you again, GRandi for all of your help and your undeniable creativity and talent!

Also, thank you to Grandma and Grandpa for donating all of the beach accessories!  These were the same ones we used 3 years ago for Jack's first birthday, so it was extra special to use them again!  
Lander and her little pals had a splash!

My Power Ranger and my Birthday Girl...

Here is Jack with his pals Aidan and Beck on the front of the 
bounce house we rented (left) and a few more of the guests,
including Molly and Ari, getting ready for cake (above).

These were our party favors: Power Rangers "Pocket Racers" and Goldfish Crackers!

 My Birthday babies enjoying their special "cakes" made by GRandi!

 These (above) were among the many favorite gifts received from our far too generous guests.  Jack wears his safety vest fixing stuff all over the n'hood now, and Lander LOVES to push her babies in their new stroller!  Thank you to all of our friends for so many thoughtful gifts!  We will be sending formal thank you notes, but please forgive me for the delay!

 Here is Jack decked out in his new sparring gear after Mr. Ewing invited him to the Black Belt Course (that's his best bud Braeden behind him) and also a pic of all the cousins and "big kids" on the bounce house. 
 And finally, what is a party without a black eye?  Jack was accidentally head butted by a pal in the bounce house during the joint party.  The first pic was after the swelling went down on the day it happened.  By the next day, it was a pretty noticeable birthday shiner!  Too bad he wasn't wearing his sparring gear in the bounce house!  Jack is one tough dude though, with some seriously hard-headed friends, haha!  

Well I suppose I should stop here for now before this post gets any longer.  I am sorry I didn't get to Lander's cake smash party yet, but...

I'll get to it when/if I can!