I know a lot of people are "mad" at me for skipping the Flamingo Fling this year, but since Brett couldn't come anyway, I decided to have a "Stay/Play"-cation right here at home to enjoy some serious QT with my precious Jack-Bo. And what a glorious week it has been!
First, Jack got a new haircut. Then we went to Beck's birthday party and played with friends at Chik-Fil-A!

The next day Jack got to go on a boat for the first time and Mommy and Daddy got to catch up with old friends! Jack loved driving the boat and floating in the water, and Daddy got to try out the tube!
On Monday Mommy took Jack to the zoo with Ms. Ann and Braeden. After gymnastics, Mommy and Jack went to Menchie's for a special treat! YUM!
On Tuesday we met with Jack's new preschool director to discuss how Mommy can be involved at The Day School. Then we ate lunch at Chik-Fil-A before going to see Rio at the Dollar Theater. It was Jack's first time in a movie! He did awesome!
That night Aunt Christie came over and brought Jack cousin Logan's Geotraks train set, and Mommy stayed up until 2:47AM putting it together in Jack's room. Jack thinks his trains are "awesome!"
On Wednesday we had a swim date with Ms. Mary and Rowan. It was a beautiful morning for relaxing in the pool!
That afternoon it rained a bit, so we were nervous about our plans for Stone Mountain, but we made it there in time to ride the train and play some mini-golf before eating dinner and finding a spot on the lawn. Jack and Mommy wrestled and played together while we waited for the Lasershow to begin. We didn't even care that our blanket was soaking wet from the ground! Some nice people behind us gave Jack a light-up toy, and he kept "zapping" me with it. I reacted like I was getting shocked and I would shake and fall over onto the ground. Jack thought this was hysterical. The Lasershow was really cool in "Mountain Vision," and we certainly recommend it to anyone! I have to say that our Stone Mountain "date" was my favorite adventure from my Stay/Play-Cation!
Thursday was another fun day with friends. It was also our first time at The Spraygrounds at Riverside Park. What a perfect place to cool off in this summer heat!
Then that evening we celebrated another friend's 2nd birthday at Chik-Fil-A. Since it was raining, Egorka opened his present and the boys enjoyed some finger painting! We eventually relocated to an indoor McDonald's playground where the fun continued!
Friday we met with our MMPMF group for a field trip to Fernbank. Jack had a blast playing the "tree" drums and hanging out with his pals. Then MJ ate lunch with us while his mom, Ms. Lisa, ran an errand.
Left to Right: MJ & Lisa, Braeden & Ann, Jack & Brooke. Unfortunately, Beck and Jenn couldn't come. :( |
After nap time, The Stokes family came over and we swam together until it was time to eat. Then we went to Outback Steakhouse and had a delicious dinner with friends. We ended the night with Wii bowling!
Today is Saturday, and it is the day before my final day of this wonderful Stay/Play-cation. I am already sad about going back to work, but I know how lucky I am to have a great job and the benefits to enjoy so much time off. Right now my boys are napping, and when they wake up we are going on a family bike ride to the park. Tomorrow Jack and I are going to visit Grandma and Grandpa, and then Grandma and I are going to run some errands for Jack's birthday party. It will be another full day, and all I can really say is I am SO BLESSED to be me!
Thank you, Jack-Bo, for the most perfect Stay/Play-cation! I could not have imagined a better time than this week with you. The hugs and kisses, snuggles, smiles and giggles made every moment magical. I love you so much more than I can express with words. I look forward to many more adventures with you!
Love, Mommy