Lander has certainly exceeded her brother in the number of adventures one can have in the first 2 and a half months of life. This past August and into the fall has been FULL! Jack experienced his first visit to the Dentist, he has gymnastics every Tuesday, and he started karate in September and goes at least twice a week...with Lander tagging along everywhere! Throw in a trip to Florida for Aunt Mimi and Uncle Matty's wedding, and this baby girl has spent a LOT of time strapped into her car seat.
But thanks to my handy Moby Wrap, she has enjoyed a lot of time out of it too! As a family we played mini-golf on Labor Day, had a blast at the Cumming Fair, rode the train and danced at the Roswell Youth Day Festival, and even went to our first Falcons game as a family of four! Lander has also already been on a hay ride at a pumpkin farm, on countless lunch dates with friends, to the library, and of course she dressed up and got to Trick-Or-Treat on Halloween. The McQ Zoo is definitely not boring! (Crazy YES, Boring NO!)
As parents, Brett and I most adore moments like the picture above, where Jack and Lander are interacting and forming their bond as siblings. We believe the greatest gift we have given them is each other. It has been such a joy watching Jack grow into this amazing big-brother role, and Lander is just fascinated with him, her head turning when she hears his voice, her eyes wide with eager interest, and her smile bright and toothless ;-) whenever he sings to her. Nothing makes me more proud than when I get to witness the love between them.
Ahhh, but here I am again rambling on when what I really wanna do is post some pictures! Since I am so far behind, and to keep it from being SOOOOOOOOOOOO long, I am only going to post our adventures through Lander's 1 month Birthday on September 10th! I'll do my best to get another picture blog post out later this week! So here goes...
Let's start with a proud big bro, a glowing Grandpa and Pink Earth Bunnie (PEB) on Lander's 2-week birthday!
Now here is Jack with EB at 11 days old and Lander with PEB at 14 days old, just 3 days apart! Funny how she started off bigger, but by one month, Jack was 11 lbs, 7 oz while Lander weighed in at only 10 lbs, 12 oz.
Here she is gazing up at Aunt Christie!
Lander really smiled in her first week!
She is such a happy baby! And SO CUTE too!

Hope you enjoyed this backlog of photos! Now I am only 2 months behind! Hoping to be caught up through all the adventures I mentioned at the beginning of this post by the end of this week...but right now it is 4:46AM and I need to go to bed for a couple hours before getting up to go vote...and trying to do it with both kiddos and very little sleep! Until next time...
But thanks to my handy Moby Wrap, she has enjoyed a lot of time out of it too! As a family we played mini-golf on Labor Day, had a blast at the Cumming Fair, rode the train and danced at the Roswell Youth Day Festival, and even went to our first Falcons game as a family of four! Lander has also already been on a hay ride at a pumpkin farm, on countless lunch dates with friends, to the library, and of course she dressed up and got to Trick-Or-Treat on Halloween. The McQ Zoo is definitely not boring! (Crazy YES, Boring NO!)
As parents, Brett and I most adore moments like the picture above, where Jack and Lander are interacting and forming their bond as siblings. We believe the greatest gift we have given them is each other. It has been such a joy watching Jack grow into this amazing big-brother role, and Lander is just fascinated with him, her head turning when she hears his voice, her eyes wide with eager interest, and her smile bright and toothless ;-) whenever he sings to her. Nothing makes me more proud than when I get to witness the love between them.
Ahhh, but here I am again rambling on when what I really wanna do is post some pictures! Since I am so far behind, and to keep it from being SOOOOOOOOOOOO long, I am only going to post our adventures through Lander's 1 month Birthday on September 10th! I'll do my best to get another picture blog post out later this week! So here goes...
Let's start with a proud big bro, a glowing Grandpa and Pink Earth Bunnie (PEB) on Lander's 2-week birthday!
Now flash back to Jack's 1-week birthday with his own Earth Bunny (EB) and wearing the same onesie!
(I can't believe he is 3 years old now!)
Now here is Jack with EB at 11 days old and Lander with PEB at 14 days old, just 3 days apart! Funny how she started off bigger, but by one month, Jack was 11 lbs, 7 oz while Lander weighed in at only 10 lbs, 12 oz.
Lander really smiled in her first week!
She is such a happy baby! And SO CUTE too!
Lander's first time at the pool was her last in the heat. Poor girl!
She didn't have much fun, but big bro Jack-Bo can swim like a champ!
More visitors! The Picken Family came to meet Miss Lander! Cora is especially pretty!
And of course we have to show some of our Trash Day routine of waiting on the
back of Mommy's car for the garbage truck!
Here it comes!
Waiting patiently!
Watching the hopper crush the trash!
Shaking hands and saying good morning!
And here is Lander almost 3 weeks old and Jack-Bo on the playground after his first day at gymnastics!
First Georgia game of Lander's life and the season (3 weeks old)...GO DAWGS!
Tug got some attention from Ms. Ann since we had apparently been slacking due to Lander's arrival!
Big kids get to play in the sand!
Jack LOVES his baby sister!
The next day, Lander had her first play date with Molly!
Later we took a night walk with a very serious B-ball dribbling Jack-Bo!
On Labor Day we ventured out for the first time as a family of 4! Mini Golf and CPK!
Thank goodness for my new Moby Wrap! Lander enjoyed snuggling while I played!
Some nice color coordinated shots with GRandi that same week!
Lander's first trip to Menchie's on her 4-week birthday! A proud Grandma and a silly big bro went too!
Lander didn't really do much besides sleep though!
And the next weekend we celebrated GRandi's birthday! As you can see, it was a fun night for all!
The next day, on Lander's 1 month birthday, our friends Mary and Rowan, a.k.a. "Tiny," came over to play and meet Lander. Only, Tiny isn't so tiny anymore!
Later that night, we had dinner at Aunt Jen's house and then took a trip up to Menchie's again.
Of course the boys got very silly! (Did I Mention we LOVE Menchie's?)
Okay, I'll end this post with one last collage of pics I took on my cell phone of Lander's many smiles and expressions from the day she was born through her 1 month birthday. There are a few of Jack in here loving on his sister too! Can you remember which one is the first pic I ever posted/shared of Lander?
"Stay in the Joy!"
Just saw your blog and enjoyed all the pictures. The one of Jack and the garbageman is THE sweetest thing in the world. Not sure if I told you the story but I wanted to be a garbageman (er..lady?) when I was about 4 years old. I thought it must be the coolest job in the world. Thanks for including the Picken family visit in your blog. Hugs!