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My "angel" on a GREAT day at school! |
...and so I thank the Lord,
For giving me the things I need,
The sun and the rain
And the apple seed.
The Lord is good to me.”
I heard this song for the first time at Jack's preschool class Halloween Party. Ms. Priss, his teacher, sings it each day before snack as their blessing song. I've decided I want to incorporate it into The McQ Zoo as a blessing song too b/c I just love the words and the little tune. Plus, even during the many days of tears, Jack sang some version of an "apple seed" song, so I know it had a positive impact on him right away!
The last week of October was jam packed with Halloween madness. Jack and I were up late on the Wednesday night before his class party making white chocolate dipped mini pretzels and drizzling them with orange melting chocolate and seasonal sprinkles. Earlier that day GRandi and Jack made "Toasty Ghosties" for all the kids in his class by wrapping 2 graham cracker squares, 2 fun-size Hershey Bars and a ghost shaped Peeps marshmallow in a clear plastic baggie and tying it with pretty ribbon. I made personalized labels for each bag with the child's name and instructions for this unique and festive S'mores. GRandi is brilliant b/c it was an awesome twist to a plain old goody bag, and everyone loved it!
Jack's whole class made it through their first performance! They sang "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and a Halloween song to the tune of "Wheels on the Bus." Some of the kids did the little hand movements, but Jack was too busy holding his football helmet (his costume was obviously a QB!) and staring into the sea of faces in front of him to remember what to do. Still, we were so proud of him! After his show, he sat on the floor with the other children while the rest of the classes performed, and he just looked back at us and waved...
...but he was so confident and totally cool the whole time! During the class party he showed us his artwork and lots of toys, and he seemed very much at ease with us there. It was nice to see him act like himself, since most of what we have heard about him at school does not represent his normal behavior at all. We were glad the teachers got to see a little bit of what we see. Honestly, Mr. McQ and I believe that us going to the class party actually helped Jack to adjust b/c both school days the next week were GREAT!
Jack's whole class made it through their first performance! They sang "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and a Halloween song to the tune of "Wheels on the Bus." Some of the kids did the little hand movements, but Jack was too busy holding his football helmet (his costume was obviously a QB!) and staring into the sea of faces in front of him to remember what to do. Still, we were so proud of him! After his show, he sat on the floor with the other children while the rest of the classes performed, and he just looked back at us and waved...
...but he was so confident and totally cool the whole time! During the class party he showed us his artwork and lots of toys, and he seemed very much at ease with us there. It was nice to see him act like himself, since most of what we have heard about him at school does not represent his normal behavior at all. We were glad the teachers got to see a little bit of what we see. Honestly, Mr. McQ and I believe that us going to the class party actually helped Jack to adjust b/c both school days the next week were GREAT!
On Saturday, the Georgia/Florida game was on the afternoon agenda. Jack took a great nap and we made it over to the Stokes Family house just in time for kick off. We ate popcorn and grilled burgers and watched an awesome game that ended with UGA WINNING!!!! Jack and his pal Braeden played outside and in Braeden's room, and they were having a grand time, now old enough for short bouts of minimal supervision; but in a moment of too much silence, I went to check on them, and this is what I found!
They were in the master bathroom, having tossed around the contents of Ann's make-up bag, and using the mascara on the door, on the mirror, on the wall, and on their faces! When I asked Jack what they were doing he replied "eye black!" What a funny and smart dude b/c we had been using my mascara to draw the eye black lines on his face as part of his football player costume!
They were in the master bathroom, having tossed around the contents of Ann's make-up bag, and using the mascara on the door, on the mirror, on the wall, and on their faces! When I asked Jack what they were doing he replied "eye black!" What a funny and smart dude b/c we had been using my mascara to draw the eye black lines on his face as part of his football player costume!
Sunday we met up with the Stokes Family again for our 2nd year of Boo at the Zoo. It was a gorgeous day, but it was also very crowded; we actually had to park on the street b/c the lot was full. No worries for us though since we are regulars; we don't have to see everything in one visit! The boys enjoyed the craft stations and of course all the trick-or-treat candy booths. We ate lunch together and went into the Halloween Pavilion where the kids got to dance and run through a hay maze and meet special PBS characters like The Cat in the Hat and Curious George. Jack was unsure about these guys, just like last year, so he preferred to wave at them from a distance! Still it was lots of fun! When we finished in there we ventured over to the train, but Jack got side tracked by the gigantic pumpkin shaped bounce house, so we pit stopped there for him while Braeden went to the playground. Afterwards Ann and I met up in the train line while the daddies took the boys to ride the carousel. The train line was long, but it moved quickly enough, and finally we were aboard the Candy Express! Braeden wasn't gonna make it much longer, so the train was literally his last stop, but we took Jack to the playground before we made our way home.

Monday was a very fun Halloween day! Jack and I went to gymnastics and then met up with his new bike buddy, Aiden and his mom. We went to lunch at Chik-Fil-A and the boys played for about 2 hours! I had hoped Jack would fall asleep for a good nap on the way home, but no such luck. It was torture trying to get him down but eventually I succeeded, although much later than planned. None the less, we made it over to Aunt Christie's house in time to eat some quick dinner before heading out to trick-or-treat. Jack loved riding in his wagon and going up to the houses with his cousins and his Daddy and Uncle Jeff. Grandma was cold, but she powered through it all, and Jack gave her lots of Whoppers candy to help! As we were beginning we ran into my co-worker and her 13 year old son who was with some school friends. She let the boys go off by themselves while she tagged along with us. It was a great night! Back at Aunt Christie's we raided and traded the boys' candy while we visited a bit longer with the fam...
Enter November. Jack had his first great week at school, and the 3rd was Grandma's birthday. We celebrated today with a family bike ride along The Greenway and lunch at Mellow Mushroom. We started out at the Big Creek entrance to the bike path where we let Jack ride his bike for a few laps before strapping him into the baby seat on my bike. The kid has mad skillz! He can ride downhill super-fast and he has NO FEAR! Daddy and I differ on our opinion of the training wheels; I want to take them off now while he is still unafraid, but Daddy wants to wait a little longer. I think in a few more weeks we will agree and remove them. Jack was bummed to be riding in the baby seat. "I want to ride MY bike. I can't want to ride with Mommy!" This was the phrase of the day, but in the end it was a great ride and a serious work out! Fortunately for Mommy, Aunt Christie and Grandma took turns on my bike with Jack and gave Mommy a little relief! He is HEAVY!!!
My boys walking in and Jack collecting a "treat!"
Jack "shooting" with an Atlanta Hawks player!
Seriously, check out his jump shot! The kid's got a 5 inch vertical already!
Is that tootsie roll stuck in your teeth, Jack?
Super cute boys and a pose I always like to get at the zoo!
Just goofing off in the wagon before lunch time...
More "treats" (his 1st Pixie Stix) and posing with Mommy in the nest!
Trying to figure this thing out...
Oh! That's how it works! WOW! That's good stuff!
After all these trick-or-treat booths, Jack burns off some of his sugar high on the dance floor!
Jack found a little witch in the hay maze!
Classic train screams and a new tunnel lights shot...
Sight-seeing from "The Candy Express."
Last Stop: The Playground! Always a zoo favorite!

So here we are in the middle of fall, on our way to the holiday season, my favorite time of year. We have 3 Falcons home games in a row as well as the UGA/GT game Thanksgiving weekend, and then December is already filling up with lots more adventures. Even with our financial stress and daily worries our life is so full and joyful, and we always have just what we need to make it through each day...EACH OTHER!
"Oh, The Lord is Good to Me...
...and so I thank the Lord"
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