This story is heartbreaking and horrific.

Jinx was 17 pounds when we brought him home. Tug was 19, maybe 20 pounds. Tug's size-reign was short lived, as Jinx weighed in at 24 pounds just 2 weeks later. Tug and Jinx played rough - very rough - with lots of tug-of-war and biting at each other. Then they snuggled hard together. We thought Tug was teaching Jinx the ropes and Jinx was bonding with his new brother. Meanwhile, Della, our 13YO Jack Russel/Pointer mix, was ultimately the "Queen" of the castle, and both Tug and Jinx respected her, but really she just preferred to stay out of their way and bark at them when they got too rowdy. It was a new dynamic in The McQ Zoo, and it was never boring and always loud. We enjoyed the chaos.

When Jinx was about 11 months, he and Tug got into a scuffle at the food bowls. Tug wanted Jinx to wait until he was done before letting him eat, so he growled and started to bite at Jinx. Jinx really just defended himself, but Tug had just had one of his eyes removed due to a ruptured corneal ulcer, and Jinx managed to open up his stitches and also puncture the back of his neck. It was super scary and resulted in another trip to the vet and lots of meds. We decided that food was the cause, and from that point on we only fed Jinx in his crate, and we didn't feed the other dogs unless Jinx was put up. They went back to their normal shenanigans, and we continued to monitor them and make sure they were never left unattended.

That night I bought Tug his own crate. We decided that since Tug was the instigator, it wasn't fair for Jinx to always be crated instead of Tug. We began to crate at least one of them almost at all times, and I was afraid to have them both out any time Brett wasn't home. This system really was working. I also think Tug started to realize that Jinx wasn't going let him be a bully anymore. Tug didn't mind the crate. He mostly just slept in it and even hung out in there when we didn't lock it.
A few days later I had a bad fever and the bite on my thigh had become infected. The surface area of the bite had increased by about 400% and it was hot to the touch and hard as a rock. I went to Urgent Care and they informed me that I had canine puncture wounds. I was confused b/c it didn't even bleed so I really just applied some Neosporin and thought it was going to be a bruise. The doc said bleeding would have been better b/c it would have flushed out the infection and bad bacteria. Oh well, I thought. Live and learn. But I definitely started to feel a sense of constant stress around the dogs.

3 and a half weeks into the school year, things seemed to be going fine. It was just a normal Thursday afternoon. The weather was nice. Kids did their routines. Homework was done. Emily and the kids were hanging out in the living room and kitchen area watching a few minutes of TV and having snacks, and Jinx and Tug were both out with no drama. I was working from home and Della was in my bedroom with me. In just a few minutes, they were going to put Jinx away and study for Jack's Social Studies test. It was about 3:30PM.
Then from the bedroom, I heard Jack say, "Emily, Jinx has a pizza crust." Jinx had jumped up on the counter and gotten a crust from the pizza snack Jack had just finished. Then Jack said "Emily, Tug just threw up." Neither of these things were alarming. We have a lot of pets; someone is always throwing up. Jinx gets on the counter and we are constantly telling him to get down. I heard Emily lovingly scold Jinx about the crust, and thought nothing of it. Maybe 10 seconds later, Jack yells "Emily the dogs!" And then I heard Jinx and Tug in battle.
I run out of the bedroom within seconds and there at the top of the stairs Jinx is in control, dominating Tug, who hasn't the slightest chance. The children are screaming. I yell at Emily to take them outside onto the deck and stay there both so they don't see the attack and also to keep them safe. I am 4 months pregnant, so I know I can't get close enough, but I think quickly and grab an umbrella and some other random things and begin throwing them at Jinx. He doesn't stop. Maybe 1-2 minutes in, he is choking Tug and I can see that Tug is already lifeless. Blood spurts form Tug's neck and I call Brett to see where he is. Brett is about a half an hour away. I hysterically scream "Jinx is killing Tug! Jinx is killing Tug!" Brett is screaming back into the phone "Make it stop! Make him stop!" I say I'm scared and have to protect our baby, and then Brett is frantically saying "No! Don't touch him! Stay away! But make him stop!" I'm trying not to panic, but I'm sobbing and I tell him, "Tug is dead! Jinx killed him!" Jinx begins shaking Tug like a rag doll, like toy he's trying to get the squeaker out of. At this point, I already think Tug is dead, but Jinx just continues to maul him. I am so afraid. I'm afraid Jinx will hurt me if I get too close. I'm too afraid to try to save Tug. Feces and vomit and blood are flying around my living room as Jinx continues to shake Tug like he's playing a game. He looks proud of himself, and he is wagging his tail with crazy eyes. I take a blanket and try to throw it over Tug to drag him away from Jinx, but it doesn't work b/c Jinx gets caught in the blanket too. The deck door opens and Jack and Emily come in with a football and some other balls to throw at Jinx. Jack had climbed down our 2-story deck with no stairs and grabbed the balls, threw them to Emily and climbed back up. We start throwing the balls, hoping they will distract Jinx, but it doesn't work, so I tell them to get back on the deck. Emily is trying to keep the kids distracted with "I Spy" games and talking to them, but the truth is they can hear everything. I am still screaming and desperately pleading with Jinx to stop. This has gone on now for about 10-15 minutes.

He is undoubtedly dead. His one eye is open and his tongue is halfway out of his mouth and already draining color. He instantly feels cool instead of the little ball of heat he normally is. He is covered in blood, maimed and full of puncture woulds all around his neck and back of his head. His ears are torn. He has vomit in his mouth and feces smeared all over him. I feel as if I cannot move, and I am clearly in shock.
Meanwhile, Jinx is on the deck scratching and jumping on the door, crying and still looking in with the crazy eyes.
Brett comes in about 15 minutes later. He stands in shock at the scene. Then he moves over to the deck door and yells at Jinx. "WHAT DID YOU DO!!!! LAY DOWN!!!" Jinx immediately snaps out of the crazy eyes and back to the sweet puppy dog eyes we know and love. I am baffled and heartbroken, and I'm still on the floor holding Tug and sobbing saying over and over again "Jinx killed Tug. He killed Tug." Brett tells me I need to breathe and stay calm for the baby. I try, and we sit together in silence. Then Emily comes in and says the kids are at a neighbor's house but she came back to help me. She grabs cleaner and just starts to clean b/c it is all she can think of. She is devastated too, and also in shock. I don't move for about another hour. All the while, through this entire ordeal, Della is barking and crying and scratching the door from inside my bedroom. We don't let her out yet.
Brett and I know what needs to happen next, but we are slow to take action. Finally, still holding Tug I make a call to the person who gave us Jinx. She has become our friend, and we have stayed in touch, sharing pics and stories of the dogs for nearly 2 years. I tell her what happened, and I say I am calling out of respect just to see if she has any ideas for a way to save Jinx. She calls her partner who works with a rescue, but then calls me back and says you need to do what you need to do, and if we were in this situation, we would do it too.
Next I call the vet, but my vet is off on Thursdays. I beg them to please reach out to Dr. Fairchild. We know what we need to do, but we need to hear it from him. He has been our trusted vet and dear friend for 15 years. They tell us to just come in and bring both dogs, but they will try to reach him. A few minutes later Dr. Fairchild calls. The conversation was dismal, but he was firm and protective. He said he doesn't just care about our dogs, he cares about our entire family, and a year from now it could be our baby. He says it is the right thing to do, and he knows it is hard, but he believes it is best for Jinx too. Giving Jinx away is not an option either, as we could not put another family at risk.

When we pull into the vet parking lot, they are waiting for us. A tech is there to take Tug and another is there with a muzzle ready to take Jinx. First Brett gets the box with Tug and hands it to the tech. Then they give him the muzzle to put on Jinx, but he doesn't know how to do it and doesn't do it tightly enough. Jinx is scared. He scratches at it and gets it off immediately. I say, here, let me do it, b/c I have done it almost every time we have come to the vet before. I get it on him seamlessly. He doesn't resist. He is scared, but he loves and trusts us. We lead him into the building and into one of the exam rooms. There are blankets and towels on the floor. They already know what is going to happen b/c Dr. Fairchild prepared them. They are patient with us and do not rush us, even though they are closed. They talk to us about what is going to happen. Another nice vet comes in and they give Jinx a sedative. We are crying and petting him. He is practically sitting in my lap b/c he is scared. He is not the killer he was just 2 hours before. He is our sweet, loving giant puppy. They take him to insert an IV, still with the muzzle, but when they bring him back to us, we decide we can take it off. He is calm now from the sedative and just smiling at us and snuggling. Brett gets down on the floor and we scoot close together. He is holding Jinx now. We tell Jinx we are sorry and we love him and we know he didn't mean to kill Tug, but because we love him this is what we have to do. We tell him he is a good dog. He is a loving dog. We know he loves us, and we will miss him so much. The vet administers the drugs, and Jinx goes limp in Brett's arms. He had his beautiful smile upon his face when he passed.

Paperwork and cremation decisions and payment done, we left and headed home. Emily had left by then and the kids were still with the neighbors. We spent another hour cleaning up and trying to make the house seem normal for when the kids would come home. We were not in agreement about what to tell them. We had spoken to our neighbor and he told us Lander was optimistic about Tug but thought we would be giving Jinx away, but then he said she also thinks Tug might be dead. Jack was completely distracted and playing with his friends. He is much more sensitive while Lander is matter of fact. I wanted to tell the kids the truth, but Brett did not want to tell them we put Jinx down. He thought it was too sad to lose 2 dogs in one day. I convinced him that the healthiest thing to do was tell them the truth and teach them that you cannot keep a dog who kills another dog b/c he is a danger to your family, and you cannot give him to another family b/c that is not safe either. Brett eventually agreed honesty was best. He went to get the kids and I prepared for the conversation to come.

The first thing Jack said when he walked in the door was, "wow, how did you get it so clean in here so fast?" We explained that Emily did a lot of the cleaning and we finished up once we came back from the vet. We all sat down on the sofa and they asked right away if Tug was dead. We said yes, Tug is dead. They both cried, Jack more than Lander. And then they asked about Jinx. We told them that the vet gave Jinx some medicine to make him go to sleep and not wake up. Jack was confused and asked where is he? We told him he is in Heaven with Tug. Jack was still confused and so we started to explain about how you can't keep a dog like that, but Lander interrupted and said, "so basically, we killed Jinx on purpose." We said yes, but that it was not a violent death; it was peaceful and calm, and Daddy held Jinx as it happened. They cried some more, and then Lander got mad and said she was kind of happy b/c Jinx was annoying. Then Jack said he was sad b/c he loved taking Jinx outside to play. And Lander said that she was sad b/c she only got to take Tug out for 2 weeks and he was letting her put him on the leash without running away now. Their emotions were all over the place, and rightfully so. We explained to them there is no right or wrong way to feel. It is okay to be sad about Tug and mad at Jinx. It is okay to be mad at Jinx and still love him. It is okay to not love him anymore. It is okay to feel sad when we are thinking about it, and not sad when we are not thinking about it. It is okay to play with your friends and be happy and only feel sad when you notice Tug isn't snoring or Jinx isn't there to snuggle. It is okay to ask questions and cry and talk about it whenever you feel like it. It is okay to notice things are different or not notice it at all. Any feelings or no feelings are okay.
The evening wore on, and the kids watched TV and ate some dinner and we all just sort of went through the motions. We all watched Della closely to see if she was acting strange, but she was just the same old Della. We decided not to send the kids to school in the morning, but to let them sleep in and take them later if it seemed they were doing alright. Friday morning, they were doing fine. Brett took them in around 10AM and then drove around like a zombie all day.
I took Friday off and spent the day crying a lot, trying to rest, looking at pics of the dogs, and talking to my BFF who brought me lunch and listened to me recap the horrible details. I was also drowning in guilt. Why couldn't I protect Tug? How could I let this happen to him? He was my baby before my babies were born. He was our wedding gift to ourselves. He would have been 11 years old on Sept. 2nd. He may have been an old curmudgeon to Jinx, but he was the sweetest, cuddliest, friendliest dog to anyone he met. He was one of the founding members of The McQ Zoo. Lander had mentioned the night before that we wouldn't be The McQ Zoo anymore, but we told her we will always be The McQ Zoo, and that "zoo" was about the chaos in our lives, not just the pets...but I couldn't help but think the same thoughts. The McQ Zoo is broken, missing pieces, not whole.
I looked at pictures of Jinx snuggling with Tug, spooning with Jack, resting his head in Lander's lap. How could this sweet dog be a killer? Instinct or not, how does a dog just snap? Did we do something wrong? We failed him! He was so young, with so much life left, and such a loving and happy joyful spirit. No matter how cooped up he was in his crate, he was always happy to see us. He was forgiving and loyal and he lounged across my lap daily while I worked and kept me company. He slept with me every night under my feet, and he cuddled with Jack every morning. He was wild and hard to manage and high maintenance, but he loved us. He trusted us. We let him down too.

I believe we gave both of those dogs a great life. Before Jinx, we took Della and Tug everywhere with us. Camping trips galore! Once we got Jinx that changed. This past summer, we took Della and Tug on a trip to FL to the beach. We left Jinx at home with Emily, and he was just as thrilled b/c he loved her as much as he loved us. Tug and Della got the VIP treatment on our vacation and we viewed it as one last hurrah for their golden years. Along with his old age came more frequent potty trips, and every night Tug had been waking me up around 2AM to go out. But when you take one, you have to take them all, so while it was necessary, it was certainly exhausting. The day he died he had woken me up at 2AM and again at 4AM. I had been so annoyed, but I always took him.
We never became complacent after the very first fight. We were always trying to make the best of the situation and give all the dogs we loved a wonderful home. With the baby coming, we knew things with Jinx were going to need to change, so we had been talking to a friend who's dog was finishing up boarding training with a private trainer, and we were considering doing it when her dog was done. Her dog comes home this week. Too late now.
The kids believe what we tell them. Partly that is b/c we tell our kids the truth, so they CAN believe us and trust us, but when we tell them things as if they are facts, like that's just what you have to do with a dog who kills another dog, they just seem to accept it and move on. Their emotions come in waves, and sure they are still sad, but they are already asking when we will get another dog. While the actual event itself was traumatizing for them, they feel comforted and safe knowing that Mom and Dad are handling this and taking on the burden, and they can just keep being kids. That is what we as parents want for them. We say the dogs are in Heaven, and that's what they believe...

Do all dogs go to Heaven? God, I hope so. I hope Jinx is in Heaven too. I know Tug is. I tell the kids that the Heaven I believe in is where we become the best version of ourselves, whatever that may be. For Jinx it would be him as a puppy, playful and carefree, before he ever felt threatened. For Tug it would be a few years back before he became a grumpy old man, and with both of his eyes healthy again. I hope they will find each other and become friends in their new home. I hope they feel loved and happy and remember how great their lives were.
And most of all, I hope they know they will always be part of The McQ Zoo.
And most of all, I hope they know they will always be part of The McQ Zoo.