Sunday, June 24, 2012

Conversations with Jack-Bo

I just don't have the time to blog as much as I'd like.  Work is in the way, life is busy, I want to be a good friend, daughter, wife and most importantly a good as much as I have to actually write, the time doesn't allow me to balance it all as well as I'd like...

Still, sometimes things happen that I just don't wanna forget.  Lately so much of what I wanna capture isn't a picture or an adventure, but rather, conversations I have had with my precious Jack-Bo.  Maybe a moment he had a realization or an opportunity I used to teach him something...or better yet, something he taught me.  

B/c it is fresh in my mind, I will start backwards with tonight, but much of what happens before this will not be in chronological order; it will actually be in whatever order I can conjure it up in my mind during the writing of this post.  I hope I never forget these conversations with my boy b/c not only are some of them comical, but they are also so sincere, so sweet, and so completely innocent and non-corrupted by the harsh realities life often throws in our faces.  Someday, when life experience has set in a bit more, I hope to be able to remind him of our special talks...

Tonight, while cuddling in bed after reading "We're Going on a Bear Hunt..."
Jack: What that bear name is?
Mommy: You mean the one from the story?  
Jack: Yeah.
Mommy: Hmmn.  I don't know.  Why don't we name him.
Jack: Ok.
Mommy: What do you want to call him?
Jack: (Deep thinking look on his face) I don't know.
Mommy: Well, how about Barry the Bear?
Jack: (Nodding) Ok.
Mommy: And since they were afraid of him and he was lonely and sad, we can be his friends!
Jack: (Pouty voice and snuggling closer) No, I don't want to.
Mommy: What?  You don't wanna visit him in his cave?
Jack: (Softer pouty voice) I wanna spend time with you, not the bear.
Mommy: Oooooh, well, I understand...(and my heart both melted and broke both at the same time.)

Friday Night at Dinner, Daddy and I were discussing how good our waiter was.  We were a little unsure of him in the beginning, as he had some quirks, but as we went on he proved to be very thorough, extra nice and totally on his game.  When Jack's root beer ran out he asked if Jack needed a refill.  We said just ice water please, and he said he would bring him a fresh cup.  A few minutes later he came back with a new kid cup full of ice water.  He set it down in front of Jack, and completely unsolicited, Jack said, "Thank you, you're a really great server!"  Mommy and Daddy were reminded once again that Jack never misses a beat!

Saturday I was getting ready to go to the chiropractor while Jack and Daddy were going to run some errands, including going to Costco.  Before I left I told Brett if Jack is hungry give him some leftover pasta from last night before you go.  Jack was watching Curious George on the computer, but clearly still had his listening ears on b/c he chimed in all on his own with, "No!  Them might have samples there!"  Of course he was referring to the samples at Costco, as he is a frequent customer with his GRandi and Papa and also his Aunt Christie.  :-)

Multiple times this past week...
"Mommy, I miss you at work."
"Oh honey, I missed you too!  So much!"
"I don't like you to go to work.  I don't like anybody to go to work."

Last Monday after a stressful appointment at the midwife, I was feeling very overwhelmed and was crying in the car on the way home and talking to Brett on the phone about how freaked out I was feeling.  Jack of course was in his car seat in the back, and I should have been less emotional, but sometimes I just can't help it.  "Mama!  Don't be sad, Mama!  You're my favorite Mama!"  Of course, I tell Jack he is my favorite boy in the whole world all the time, but it is especially amazing when he says something like that to me!

Saturday again...bedtime...we were cleaning up some toys including Jack's play toolbox.  He also has a real tape measure that I wanted him to put in there with it.  "No, I not going to put it in there b/c I going to use it to measure something tomorrow."  His concept of time, both future and past is totally advanced.  The way he keeps track of morning time, tomorrow, yesterday, last time, etc. is just so radical at not even 3 years old!

This one isn't mine to share, but it is still so sweet that Daddy won't mind.  Jack and Daddy were at Home Depot on this same Saturday and Jack heard a saw of some sort.  "Daddy, that sound like framing going on!"  You can tell this kid has spent some time with Daddy at his "work-job."  Same day later on Jack names some tools while playing and/or helping Daddy do some chores and Brett comments that Jack knows more about tools at age 2 than he knew in high school!

Pretty much every time we watch TV now...
"Mommy, let's sit on the sofa together.  I made your spot!"  (Propping up a pillow on the chaise lounge for me.) 

In general, Jack is such a positive, sweet spirit.  He is always complementing people, whether it be the workers at the job site or me cleaning the bathroom or other random things he witnesses every day.  "Hers did a good job!"  Or "That's a great idea!"  These are things he says all the time, and he is always so sincere when he says them, wanting to make sure to express his appreciation for a job well done.  Honestly, these are moments when Brett and I pat ourselves on the backs and feel good about how we are parenting our child.  We are teaching him to be kind and also how to recognize people who work hard or positively stand out.  We like that he is so able and willing to express his gratitude.  

Currently, along with his goal to be a garbage man, Jack wants to be a "train dedoctor" and tell Matthew.  Matthew is one of the guys at the zoo who operates the train.  Jack really likes him.  :-)

Jack still also wants to be a garbage man, and he and GRandi have bonded with the recycle and garbage crews in our new neighborhood.  Every Wednesday they stand outside and wait for them to come, and of course they honk for such a friendly little guy!  When they drive away, Jack waves and yells "Bye Mr. Garbage man!"

Jack is very excited about baby Lander.  He says all the time that he loves her, and he gives my belly kisses or blows on it and says, "I make Baby Lander laugh!"  So far he has shown no jealousy, but really has been more helpful with setting things up and wanting to be involved.  We have been really agreeable to what he suggests or does b/c of course we want him to be included and not feel any resentment.  I am sure these are normal parenting thoughts for 2nd time moms and dads, but of course we have to work through them.  I think we are doing okay though b/c Jack really seems to understand she is in my belly and will be coming out soon!

Well, that is all I can pump out right now in this post.  I posted a couple pics below, but they are not really recent, and b/c I am having some computer issues, I can't even take the red-eye out!  Anyway, they are from our trip over Memorial Day to St. George Island...and still cute.  :-)  I'll try to get around to another post soon; there is certainly plenty more to share!

Jack and his cousin Kadyn posing together

Jack playing on the Foosball table at the beach house.

Classic tongue sticking out silly face

And another one :-)



  1. Love it! You have a happy home. You are going to be so glad you took the time to write these things down.

  2. I was smiling the whole time I read this post :) I could hear Jack saying all of it! You are such a great writer and a great mom!
